Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Life in Barbate

October 5, 2008

Yesterday Sarah went to look for an apartment while Mirna and I went to pay the landlady and sign the contract. Our landlady was very sweet but spoke so fast that I had a difficult time understanding much of what was going on. As we were leaving she asked my my name again and I said Alejandra, which I want to use here because Spaniards always tell me that Alex is a boys name here, and Alejandra sounds way better when they say it in Spanish. I then thought that she responded with, “Oh you speak a little Spanish!” so I replied, “un poquito” then quickly realized that she had said that I had a Spanish name, which I had replied “a little” to. Oh well. Leanne told us that she once asked for a “bocadillo de polla con queso.” Wanting a chicken sandwich with cheese, she actually asked for a dick sandwich. With cheese. Gotta love awkward miscommunication. 

We then went out for tapas with the other girls and got a new drink called a “tinto de verano” which is similar to sangria. I then gave up on the no fish rule of my diet and had some of the most amazing calamari of my life. When in Rome! And it’s just so fresh here. I also don’t feel that bad because I need protein and I can’t get a lot of the things that I ate in the US to get it. 

That night Sarah and I got ready and went to the other girls apartment and  when we arrived there was a guy there that one of the girls had become friend with the night before. His name was Ramon, and none of us could understand a word he said. I swear it wasn’t Spanish. He had shown up to “pick up his jacket” which he had left there that morning and then apparently proceeded to make himself comfortable and invited his friends over.  We dubbed one of his friends “mohawk guy” for obvious reasons. Now I had not seen any of these people the night before so I had no idea what to expect. Well mohawk showed up with another friend, Baldy (don’t know his name either). So Sarah and I are meeting these people and there really aren’t even words that can fully capture these people. Ramon is a truly a nice guy, as far as I can tell, he just didn’t finish school and maybe that is why his Spanish was...unique. Oh, Mohawk also had no front teeth...like not just the front 2, at least 4-6 were missing and he's only 21. I've never appreciated oral hygiene more. And Baldy didn’t speak one word to me the entire time but stared like it was his job. The best way to sum up this experience is a quote by Sarah, “If I wanted to hang out with carnies from Wisconsin I would have...” People in Sevilla described some of the people from Barbate as Spanish rednecks, I can only assume these were the type of people they meant. 

  Sarah and I went down to the boardwalk after a bit and stumbled upon the cutest little cafe that was very bohemian with some extremely sexy waiters. We hung out there for a little then met up with the girls at another bar before we headed to The Botellon aka, The Fast and the Furious: Spanish Style. Everyone and their brother drives down to the river to drink, smoke etc with their tricked out hatchbacks and ridic stereos thumping. It was the most insane thing I’ve ever seen. It was mainly guys and we met a lot of people, I had the same limited convo with about 8 different people that I was really not interested in talking to. I’m all about practicing Spanish but not with ppl that are sketching me out. We hung out for a while with some guys at the very farthest end of the Botellon. I was also getting semi annoyed by  one guy holding a hooka who felt it was necessary to keep blowing hooka smoke in my face.  Maybe this was flirting? No me gusta. 

We then went to a club where we found out there was a 5 Euro cover so we were about to walk away when the bouncer grabbed us and let us in for free. We headed to the bar to look around and another bouncer hooked us up with free shots that were like carmel (yum!). I was happy about the sweet deals we were getting but the place was not having a great night. It might have been fun had there been more than 15 ppl there, I mean there was a DJ and everything! Sarah did ask the female bartender about locating a roommate and the bartender was actually interested, so it ended up being a good thing we went there. They also ended up living together!

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