Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Getting to Spain

I was dreading my four flights but they ended up being pretty interesting. I flew through Zurich, Geneva, and Lisbon and

was able to hear a bunch of cool languages, French, Swiss German and Portuguese. Flying through Switzerland also made

me add it to my list of places to visit.

I had an eight hour layover in Zurich and found it to be the most luxurious airport I have ever visited. It reminded me of Nordstrom during Christmas...piano player, glam stores etc. I spent the day drifting in and out of an uncomfortable sleep after a long flight with out any sleep due to a faulty sleeping pill and a screaming child. Always a treat. 

The rest of the flights wen relatively quickly except for an ordeal in Lisbon where I almost missed my flight and was told to RUN to to make it. Which I did only to find that there was something wrong with the plane and we sat on a bus for an hour. I did end up meeting a kind Indian man who chatted with me and ended up at the same hotel and invited me to India! I had been planning on hanging out at the airport until the CIEE ride arrived at 10AM the next morning ( I got in at 1am) but I was politely told to leave since the airport was closing. A nice security guard helped me out by letting me use the phone since I couldn’t figure out the payphone. It was too late to find a hostel or price out hotels so I had to suck it up and dish out a fortune to pay for a night in the hotel I would be staying at for CIEE. Along with the not so cheap cab ride, Damn that falling dollar!

I found my Spanish to come back enough for me to get by and people seemed to be understand me which is always nice! And the hotel was nice as was the room so I was able to get a good nights sleep. 

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